Meet the mindfulness teachers.

  • Bruno Amrein

    "Mindfulness has the wonderful power to make every moment special.

    And it grounds me like an anchor on the inner ground, where peace and joy of life are at home."

    Bruno Amrein is a certified MBSR teacher, mindfulness-based coach and journalist.

  • Erica Fankhauser

    "Out of necessity, after a burnout, I first got in touch with mindfulness in 2012. It touched my heart and since then I have never let it go.

    I am a heart person on a journey of discovery with big dreams. I love mindfulness and its resulting transformation. I love BEING. I love to flourish.

    I am a creative nature lover and a passionate painter. I follow my heart. My values, besides mindfulness, are authenticity, creativity and spirituality and I'm just discovering what's left of me when I let it all go."

    Erica Fankhauser is a lecturer in mindfulness in continuing education at various colleges of education and a specialist in mindfulness with children and adolescents. In addition to her work as an MBSR teacher, she is also a consciousness coach, mediumship and trance healing therapist, meditation teacher, and yoga teacher.

  • Tanja Joho

    “Since 2015 I have dedicated myself to the Buddhist practice of Vipassana meditation, which is anchored in the Theravada tradition. Regular multi-day retreats in silence and contemplation support me greatly in the process of self-awareness and insight.

    Mindfulness practice supports me in everyday life, among other things as a young mother, to become aware of my habits and patterns again and again, which allows me to create more space for wise action.

    Developing self-care and self-compassion is a concern of mine, cultivating connectedness and friendship with oneself. I find it very liberating to become aware of my own demands, to be less strict with myself and thereby bring more lightness into my life. At the same time, these qualities have a direct effect on the inner relationship with fellow human beings.”

    Tanja Joho is a certified MBSR teacher and ergotherapist.

  • This photograph shows mindfulness teacher Regine Meier in front of a mirror sculpture by the artist Not Vital in the exhibition space of the Kirchner Museum Davos.

    Regine Meier

    “Mindfulness is something marvelous and extraordinary for me and a great help and joy in my everyday life. The following quote from Edel Maex, a mindfulness trainer and psychiatrist from Holland, speaks to my heart. It describes the gentleness that has come into my life through mindfulness:

    `Mindfulness is simple: to be present in reality as it is now. Without adding anything, without looking for anything beyond that. Only this and abundant kindness. It's as simple as that, it's almost scandalous. An inexhaustible simplicity! The only sensible answer is a smile.’”

    Certified MBSR and MBCT teacher (IAS) Regine Meier works as an Art and Expression Educator (ISIS) and nurse in a psychiatric day clinic.

  • This photo shows the mindfulness teacher Andrea Mock outdoors in front of a tree.

    Andrea Mock

    “Two threads run through my biography: The joy I find expressing my creativity within different artistic mediums and my spiritual path in Buddhism. Supporting others in their development in these fields gives me a sense of purpose and gratitude.

    Mindfulness has become an indispensable source of energy in my life. It makes me feel connected, alive, and peaceful.

    It guides me again and again to the opening of my heart and mind.”

    Andrea Mock is a certified MBSR teacher and art therapist.


  • The photo shows the mindfulness teacher Isolde Reber in front of a coniferous tree.

    Isolde Reber

    “My roles as a certified MBSR teacher and nurse (HF) give me great joy to experience and discover together with others what is possible through mindfulness. It fills me with deep sense of gratitude for this inner source of energy that is available to us at all times.

    In the conscious perception of the moment-to-moment experience with all senses, I experience a deep appreciation, contentment, strength and clarity that fulfills me in all aspects of my life and supports me in my artistic work.

    Mindfulness brings me in touch with and nourishes in me a compassionate and open-hearted existence.”